Busy Week

Posted By on May 10, 2011

This is such a busy week. We’re choosing tiles for the rest of our bathroom renovations. I have a family thing I can’t wait for, and I’m meeting friends a couple of days during the week. I also need a haircut. Desperately. But I don’t see that happening. Too much to fit in, and somehow beauty loses out. A pedicure sounds really tempting, but I guess if I don’t do the haircut, can’t do the pedi! (They would both be pretty imperative to someone who cared about not offending others with her lack of “pretty.”)

I also have lots of writing to do. Today, I’m editing the chapter where the hero went light, and the heroine went invisible. I waited long enough to see what I needed to do–but now, to do it!

And, I’m reading Harry Potter over again. Snape literally breaks my heart. My girl says it’s because he’s all twisted up in Alan Rickman in my head, but she’s wrong. I love Harry, but to me, Snape is the hero of the stories. Hmmmm. Having said that, I guess he doesn’t have a complete arc, as he only manages to ask Harry to let him look into his eyes–so looking for Lily, rather than accepting Harry.

Instead of raveling at those storylines, I should be working on my own!

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