Weekend Shenanigans

Posted By on June 6, 2011

We went to the local square for Market Day this weekend. Vendors bring everything from homemade soap, to honey from their own bees. A pan flute vendor serenaded the custom. Someone else had made lanterns from vintage jars attached to vintage plates. (I seriously wanted one, but couldn’t decide which I loved best!)

Along with vendor’s booths, there was an impromptu gathering of bluegrass musicians. And they were amazing! After these guys got started, several more musicians showed up. A bassist, a banjo player, a mandolin player, and several more. They played the songs I really tired of in my youth, but how I’ve grown to cherish them!

We sat under the shade of the courthouse and listened. Maybe we sang along a little.

And then we went to one of our favorite restaurants, where I traded off the bad decision of eating out for a yummy vegetable plate and had only one virtuous bite of cherry cobbler before foisting off the rest on my brother-in-law.

Then we walked off those calories and ran across other shoppers. (How cute is he? She? Not sure, which, but terribly cute!)

I bought yummy cookies for my girl and homemade soap with a loofah in the middle that not only smells delicious, but softens my hands more with each use, and oh, the delight of “River Waters.” Not sure I’ve ever smelled such a lovely scent on the river!

After our stroll, we had a look through some of the antique shops and galleries around the square. Sigh. It was excellent family time!

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