Best-Laid Plans

Posted By on June 8, 2011

So I’ve been working like a–writer–all day. Trying to save parts of this chapter. And I have saved parts. I really like parts of it. Unfortunately, I’ve just realized parts of it can’t be saved. They need to go, and I need to remember that when I’m working this hard and staring at words to no avail for this long, it’s because the words need to go. They cannot be edited.

So–I’m cutting now.

First, I took a few minutes (two hours) off to watch Knight and Day. I have issues with Tom Cruise since that debacle, but sometimes I think he’s an amazing actor. You may be laughing right now. I don’t mind. I see this story arc, a spy without a home who’s literally saved by the same woman he saves. And he saves her with heart he doesn’t wear on his sleeve. Plus, he looks good, and he’s quite an action guy. (Well, there’s also quite a lot of CG, but it’s a fun movie, so I’m ignoring the CG.) I love the soft parts, where Tom’s character shows his heart, and I love that Cameron Diaz’s character can almost–seriously, almost–be TSTL, and yet be lovable, too.

There’s some good acting and some good writing in this movie! But it did waylay my plans. I’m trying to decide if I should stay up to finish off this scene, or get up early in the morning and start fresh.

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