Ahhhhh, the heat recedes…

Posted By on July 15, 2011

for a day or two.

I’m going to weed the garden of doom and have a swim. Swimming in soup-like water is less revolting when the heat index isn’t in the triple digits! Of course, I may have to dodge the lightning.

I’m watching the British Open this week, envying folks in their sweaters. (Yay, Tom Watson, for a hole in one!) And the wind, which the players probably don’t love. Snow in Scotland? (Or so the TV announcer just said. Arrrggghhh! I wonder if a hypnotist could change my cold-natured husband into a man who appreciates a cessation of heat?) I could seriously use some snow in July!

I’m also diving back into my ms. after another flying visit home. When my family had our girl’s week in May, my girl couldn’t go with me, so we just took a few days to get back. You know all those things you don’t do when you live in a place? Tour an ice cream factory? An energy museum? We did them. And we met another aunt and uncle we rarely get to see for dinner. And we laughed. A lot. I love being with my lovely family!

Came home with some sort of stomach ick, but I never actually believe my own body when I’m sick, so I met a friend for lunch. (Hope she’s not going to have stomach ick.) Slept most of the afternoon away, and this morning, I’ve opened my book file.

Here we go–no weekend for the woman-who-can’t-stop-traveling! Time to work!

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