Home Again

Posted By on August 24, 2009

I’ve just been in Texas for some exceedingly happy family time!  Everything was wonderful. Warmth and welcome and amazing food and so much laughter I think my cheeks are still sore. Only one fly in the ointment. Who knew it could get hotter and hotter during the night when the day has been at 100+?  Actually, I guess only the heat index rose, but–wow. Glad to be back where 79 suddenly feels like Fall, and a couple of the trees around the pool are painting their leaves yellow.

But–if anyone in the fam reads this, I’m wishing you too much happiness!  Love you so much!

Now–back to work. I worked while I was away, and I’m close to submitting a new proposal. This is the most exciting time for a writer. My plan for post-submission:  Finish the book!

Here’s where I’m working until those leaves finish yellowing and the lovely cold comes!

About The Author


5 Responses to “Home Again”

  1. Debbie White says:

    Glad you had a safe trip. Much happiness to you too!!!

  2. admin says:

    Thanks, ma’am! Am planning to abandon hearth and home (and family) to visit you sometime in the next few weeks! What will we do without the bear place for fudge? Maybe we could visit the place in–Lake City?

    I miss ya!

    Loads of love!

  3. Debbie White says:

    The place was in Oliver Spriings not Lake City. But we may have to make trip there!!!

  4. admin says:

    Let’s do! Will your beloved be joining us?

  5. Debbie White says:

    Yeah, we’ll probably have to drag him along!!!

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