Busy Tuesday

Posted By on July 26, 2011

Ahhhh, my friend, Insomnia. If I embrace you rather than fighting, will you just go away and let me sleep? Do you know how weird it is to be awake when everyone else on this side of the world is asleep? Sometimes, I get that I just don’t sleep like most people, but tonight, not so much.  Wonder if the fact that the temp is 75 has anything to do with it?


I have tasks today. A selection from the list:

Haul the garbage to the curb, which means harvesting all the wastecans in the house. That’s some glamorous work, but I do love the lightness of having no garbage in the abode.

Meet friends at an all-day breakfast restaurant at a non-breakfast time (which is good since I still need to sleep before I do that). I love breakfast at a non-breakfast time. In fact, breakfast out is my favorite. (Except for anything that includes a shellfish and drawn butter!)

Shop for a new handbag. I love handbags. Unlike most of my romance-writing compatriots, I’m not so wild about shoes. The truth is, I have Fred Flintstone flat feet, and nice shoes are just wasted on me. Not to mention I don’t have the arch to do a heel. But, I love a new purse. Love them! I just bought a really cute one. (Hope the beloved doesn’t see this. Every time I bring home a new bag, he shows me the wallet he’s apparently owned since time dawned–with no reason ever to replace it or switch out with a different one.) Back to the bag–I found a great one, one that made me go “oooh” out loud. But my girl really loves it, too. And she’s cuter than I am, and maybe I’m willing to sacrifice the cute bag to her. So, I’m going to venture to my favorite spot to see if I find another oooh-worthy alternative. And that’s about as girly as I’ll ever get, shopping-wise.

One last task–writing. Since I’m clearly not going to sleep any time soon, I’m opening the book file next. And then, the rest of today will be leaving the computer on and working in sprints.

Doesn’t sound so busy, does it? These are the tasks I’m anticipating or the ones I’m afraid I’ll forget. (Sparing you the fun stuff like kitty litter and the scaling of Mt. Laundry! Those are only interesting when I need distraction from my real work.)

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