Randomly Wednesday

Posted By on August 17, 2011

The best thing about a random post day? I can just choose a photo I like. It doesn’t have to make sense. This one is a note the kitty made for our girl when she was coming home from a trip. Seriously. You can tell he wrote it because he always signs with a paw print.  (Isn’t he cute with those exclamation hearts? I don’t have the heart to tell him they may not be manly.)

First random thought? The girl and I were on our own for dinner earlier. (I write this in the wee hours of a Tuesday night without sleep.) We went to one of our favorite places, and I’m still so full I’m swearing I’ll never eat again. I don’t even possess the focus to write a coherent blog post!

But that’s okay, because Kitty had that little note he wanted to share. He was proud of his work, you see.

And now, I’m going to go watch a DVD and hope to be asleep soon. I’ve been watching TV shows on DVD, and I may have laughed inappropriately. You know you’re too tired, when “But look–that tablecloth around his neck is a cravat!” isn’t explanation enough!

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