It’s coming!

Posted By on August 18, 2011

Fall, that is. Still haven’t gotten around to taking a better photo, but this is going on across the road from our neighborhood. I love that shade of orange. Don’t you?

I love Autumn, the way the sunlight and shadows tilt down the hill from the houses across the street, the way the heat dissipates in a hurry in the late afternoon, the new view outside every window each day as the leaves change from green to yellow to orange to rust. Beautiful! And for some reason, it gives me new energy. I feel creative. I feel as if something amazing is just about to happen.

I have nights and days reversed, and I think it must be the same with the seasons. So many people say spring is a time of beginnings. To me, it’s the start of an endurance test that lasts until fall comes back and makes me believe in the kindness of nature again.

Maybe I’d feel different in a different climate, but the beginning of my favorite time of year is coming! I can’t wait!

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