Without a Clue–RIP VI

Posted By on September 7, 2011

I accidentally watched a movie that fits the rules of the Readers Imbibing Peril VI, Peril on the Screen challenge. Sort of.  It’s a favorite around our house, but I hardly ever meet anyone else who’s heard of it. My girl was feeling in need of a little cheering up so we watched Without a Clue. It’s a twist on Sherlock Holmes, and I don’t want to give too much away. There is a mystery, but the real joy of this movie is the dialogue and the relationship between Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. (Let me admit, the first time I watched it, I watched it for Paul Freeman, who’s one of my favorite villains ever in Raiders of the Lost Ark.) If you need to laugh, one line of dialogue after another, take a look!

I’m so excited! My first review–but now, I’d better get to some of my own work!

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6 Responses to “Without a Clue–RIP VI”

  1. deslily says:

    I do like Michael Caine! but I have to admit that my favorite Holmes will always be Basil Rathbone.. maybe it was the creepyness of the black and white movies, not sure.

  2. admin says:

    I totally agree with you. And put Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce on a train–ultimate Sherlock Holmes film bliss! Plus, I think I might have been too careful, trying not to spoil with my review. Without a Clue is definitely not Conan Doyle. There is a mystery, but the characters are more “borrowed” from the stories.

  3. Kailana says:

    I have never heard of it before. Thanks for the review!

  4. admin says:

    I hope you enjoy! It’s a fun movie!

  5. rachel says:

    i just picked this up from the library with the intent of watching it for peril on the screen challenge and saw that you had reviewed it on the RIP review site…..

    I am going to check it out and then let you know what i think!

  6. admin says:

    How exciting to see it for the first time! I hope you enjoy–and I do hope you’ll let me know what you think!

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