
Posted By on September 23, 2011

I think we’re saying goodbye to the #@#%&* summer. After months of excessive heat and gasping drought, we’re finally getting rain! In fact we were under a flood watch yesterday. The temperatures dropped like a lovely, magical cooling stone. (That doesn’t make sense. You know, I’d like to at least write a blog post without self-editing.) I thought it might be time to take photos of angry skies and even more changed leaves!

Unfortunately, I’m unable to load the photos. I wish you could see the skies. I’ll try to load them next week, though it may have to wait until the new laptop arrives. (It still hasn’t.)

Since I can’t load photos, and I’m so deep in my story world I can’t really think of anything else, I’m going to head back to it. I’m trying to fly through the end. My process has been a bit crazy on this book. I keep stopping to edit at the strangest moments, but yesterday I seemed to cross a threshold–after some editing. From here on, I’m determined to write forward. I know what I need to edit into the earlier chapters, but after doing proposals for so long, I’m hungry to type those two magical words, “The End.”

Even knowing the end will only be the beginning of more work.

Have a great weekend! I was hoping to see a photography exhibition, but I’m going to work instead. And work sounds like fun!

Although more fun would be what my friend Karen, is going to do–see Train and Maroon 5. Adam Levvvviiiiinnnnneeeee!  :)

About The Author


6 Responses to “Storms!”

  1. Kailana says:

    Nothing has changed here. It rained all summer and it seems determined to rain most of the fall, too…

  2. Debbie White says:

    And @#$%^ winter is not too far away

  3. admin says:

    Yay!!!! (I hear harps and waterfalls, and I feel the crisp, refreshing touch of a wee bit of snow!) Inexpressibly beautiful winter is coming! You must learn to appreciate the best seasons of the year!

  4. admin says:

    You definitely had a more refreshing summer than we did! Our yard crunches beneath our feet because of the drought. Hope RIP is going well for you! I’m having technology issues so I’m going to have a lot to update when they’re finally resolved!

  5. Debbie White says:

    The best season of the year is spriing. The dead gray of winter goes away, the flowers are blooming, and everything comes back to life!!!

  6. admin says:

    No, no, no–it just means the heat of summer is coming, and the flowers and the grass will dry up…. Spring is lovely, but I could definitely skip straight from spring to Fall!

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