Random Once More

Posted By on October 20, 2011


Time for another random post. I love them best because I only have to transfer stuff from my head to the blog.

Haven’t seen a lot of the beloved lately between my travel schedule and his so I’ve tried to hang out with him a bit more. Today, we took a road trip. I love road trips. Except the beloved is one of the world’s worst drivers. Seriously. Ask anyone who’s been in a car he’s driven. They may not answer–in the throes of a terror flashback–but the ashy pallor is an honest response. So, before we left the abode, I may have administered a set of road rules. He mostly followed them, but we had a few… moments. If you know what I mean. (You’re married and you’ve shared a car with your spouse. It’s a law of nature that no two like drivers may ever marry!) So, he threatened to toss me off the edge of that canyon.

Instead he ruined my diet by stopping at one of my fave restaurants. I’ve recently developed a fixation on caramel cake. I need an exorcism. Or exercise.

Regard that amazing sky!

While we were driving, I may have taken a couple of photos because I saw beautiful skies.

And a persimmon tree. I’ve posed this question before, but don’t you love Autumn? Persimmons look as if they’d taste all juicy and sweet and delectable, but my experience has been disappointing. As in, pucker up and prepare to die!


Because I’ve been working so steadily I’m behind in my RIP VI reading. Only halfway through one of the books I pledged to read. I need to devote myself to some reading time.

But first, I must stop hanging out with my family and get back to work!

About The Author


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