Something New

Posted By on November 29, 2011

I’m working on something different, a WWII-set story that I’ve started a few times before. I haven’t liked the starts I’ve made before, but a wonderful, writerly thing happened when I found myself on a break from work over the weekend. Actually, I planned to take a break.

I couldn’t quite stick to the plan. An image kept jumping into my head. A woman, hurrying between wet leaves down a busy Washington, D.C. street in the middle of a winter night in 1943. She’s wearing a long gown, glimpses of which I can see between the sides she’s clenching on her evening coat.

So I had to start writing. I’ve been so focused on series romance lately that I think I need to make a few tweaks to make it a touch more mainstream. So, that’s what I’m doing. Last night and today.

I’m in my favorite part of my process, the only part that doesn’t change from book to book. I always have to start writing the pages. At a certain point, I hit a wall–or a sense of heaviness that means it’s time to stop and plan.

Here’s hoping that wall is still around a few more 70 year-old, rain-wet corners!


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