Lots of Saturday!

Posted By on September 19, 2009

Well, lots to do on Saturday. My local RWA chapter is holding our monthly meeting, and a friend is coming with me. Yay–get to chat all the way there about writing–and exactly how to solve all the problems of the world. Just yesterday, my girl said of her father, who was slicing brisket for dinner–”If only he’d listen to me.” Because she, who has never touched an electric knife, had important direction to impart to the best cook in the house.

And that’s the way the world’s issues are solved. “If only they would just listen to us!” (Ooops–opportunity to be honest. There’s a reason I was always happier being just the grunt writer, and not managing writers in my day jobs. I do not know best.)

What else for Saturday? Gotta propose some more proposal. I’m working hard, but I’m loving the work. I hope I’m not bemused by mid-story stupor, drunk on words, watching the story unfold in front of my eyes. But if I am? I’m having fun!

Hope your job is joyful for you!

About The Author


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