Tuesday People

Posted By on September 22, 2009

I should be working. I fled my peopled-up home for the white noise of Panera, but my plan backfired. Directly in front of me a guy and a girl have been deep in conversation since they sat down. They’ve held hands under the table and across the table. They’ve bent forward so that their faces nearly touched–no easy feat in a Panera booth. At last, they’re smiling. Hope they’ve worked it out.

I know I shouldn’t watch, and I haven’t been constantly, but there’s another person in Panera–a woman who seems intent on hacking her lung and all its accompanying germs into the general vicinity. (And she has clearly not felt a compulsion to follow guidelines on coughing into the elbow to trap the detritus.) I have a germ phobia, so I’d really like to pack up my stuff and go. Instead, despite headphones and loud music I’ve actually turned up to drown her out, I’ve tried to work, but when the hacking cuts through “Come Down in Time,” I look up and see the couple in front of me.

How funny if they’re just trying to agree on a sofa or something. The first year we were married, my husband and I had a rocking chair because we couldn’t agree on any other furniture. We fought over that thing, I’ll tell ya!  :-)

Back to work. If the rain stops, I can post from home tomorrow. And exercise. And mind my own business.

About The Author


2 Responses to “Tuesday People”

  1. Kate Walker says:

    I love your coffee shop stories. And like you I want to know what that couple are talking about – a novelist’s nosiness! But we can always take a scene like that and build our own world around it, can’t we? I’ll expect to see that scene in a book in future.

  2. admin says:

    Hey, Kate!

    Sorry to be so long. Our area had a lot of rain, and my Internet access has been spotty–at best. (I’m reigning in bad language! I do wonder if I’ll see that couple again. And you’re right–writers always build their own story if the folks they run into aren’t forthcoming!

    Hope you’re having a great weekend! Happy B-Day to young Miss Flora! Did the boys help her celebrate?

    Email coming soon!


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