A New Monday

Posted By on April 8, 2013

Darkest Beneath the Clouds

It’s Monday again, a good day to stop neglecting my blog. I’ve been writing and reading and editing and trying to keep my cat alive.

Writing two proposals I’m about to submit to an agent. I’m excited about both stories, and I seem to have begun yet another new process. Two projects–writing on one until the doubts clamor, and then I switch to the other. It seems to be working. (Are all writers this–quirky?) One project is a new genre I’ve been dying to try. So happy to be on the verge of submitting.

I’ve been reading in the middle of insomnia-filled nights and at any free moment–hungry to read. Several different books, many genres, whatever has taken my fancy. I was reading at lunch one day. I wear my romance reading on my sleeve. I’m never one of those folks who tries to hide the covers, but I was reading some English history, and I found myself hesitating to say that when a teenaged girl asked me about my book. She did look at me as if I might haul some knitting and a cat and a crossword out of my bag next when I ‘fessed up.  But I ask you, who can resist David Starkey? (Sadly, I do have a cat and some knitting–and I could scrounge up a crossword, but I prefer word puzzles on my phone.) Ever the sophisticate!

And–my kitty. He’s finally acting more like himself despite the drugs he’s taking for allergies. I’m a little concerned because we’re about to finish the drugs and the pollen is mounting. But he meows at me–demands for food. And he purrs–loudly, and he complains about my passing through the room without admiring him wherever he’s perched. I’ve canceled two trips because I couldn’t leave Kitty to the kind ministrations of others. He’s had some meds for a couple of years, and he and I have a method. He didn’t love taking them at first, but I had to best him in The Great Medicine Wars or lose him. He lets me shovel the pills down his throat in a few seconds, but let someone else advance on him with tablets in their hands… You’d think he was under siege by pirates.

And that’s plenty of random for today. About the photo, though–I took it one late afternoon a week or so ago. Within minutes the darkness beneath those clouds had covered the sky, and tree branches started flying through the neighborhood. But wasn’t it beautiful?

About The Author


2 Responses to “A New Monday”

  1. Debbie White says:

    You better not cancel an upcoming trip!!!!

  2. admin says:

    He’s supposed to be off the extra meds by then, so we should be good!

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