It’s Tuesday…

Posted By on April 9, 2013

and I’m writing this in the wee hours of the morning. Instead of sleeping. Two constants on my blog. Sleeplessness and whining about hot weather. They kind of go hand in hand. It’s too hot to sleep.

Yesterday, I edited nine pages, but three of them were a rewrite. I had a long-distance phone conversation happening in pre-World War II at a rate of speed that was impossible. I lived in Iceland for a while, and even then, we had to call the operator and book a call to the US, which took about forty minutes to go through. So–I needed the call to happen, but it couldn’t happen the way I planned.

I still need the call from the original caller, but he’ll be scheduling it at a different time.

I kind of dreaded fixing this problem, but I should have embraced it. The new caller was a character I didn’t expect, and she brings new fodder to the story.

What surprises will show up in today’s pages?

About The Author


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