Catching Up

Posted By on April 30, 2013

Courthouse my grandfather refurbished in the 70s

I meant to post yesterday, but I had a visit to make. And then writing to do. So–I visited, and then I wrote 818 words. 818 rusty words because I hadn’t written in over a week. Instead, I was eating, shopping, knitting, walking–enjoying one of my favorite times of the year–Girl’s Week. My aunts and my cousin and I meet in Tennessee and spend a week doing whatever we want. We have traditions, and we managed to get through all of those, but something odd happened this year. Time took flight. It all passed way too quickly. I miss them all so much.

I’ll post some of the almost 200 photos I took as I go along in the next week or so.

Two things I’m having to adjust to on my return–I’m not eating cake and ice cream and cookies and candy. In short, all the sweets in the world are not gathering in front of me in a neverending line of temptation. Surprisingly hard to stop indulging my sweet tooth cold turkey. Fortunately, the beloved has cooked healthy meals, so making better choices has been delicious and easy.

Mountain stream, the way only Tennessee does a mountain stream!

The other thing is exercise. For a week, I had company to walk with and so much talk, I sometimes felt like my daughter, who once ordered us not to say a word till she returned to the room. We looked at spring blooms, and watched geese and duck flirt and preen. Always, the water. I love water, and we saw plenty of it in our wanderings. Yesterday, I went to the gym, where there were a few sweaty people and some boring choices on the hanging garden of televisions.

Thank goodness for Netflix on my phone. I watched the next episode in a British thriller series!

Today, I have the house to myself for part of the day. I’ve already dived into a start on the word count I need for Candy Havens’ Book in a Month class, and in a little while I’m heading to the gym, and then I’m going to grab a salad at a delicious salad-only restaurant on the square in town.

Then–back to the book in a month! (Having started late, I’m only hoping to get through the first draft–so for me, this month–a lot of pages!)


About The Author


6 Responses to “Catching Up”

  1. Debbie White says:

    Miss you too!!! I can’t believe I only gained two pounds!!

  2. admin says:

    I’m not going near that scale! Someday we need to do a girl’s month! Love you!

  3. Karen says:

    LOL on the two pounds, Anna’s cousin Debbie! Ya’ll’s trip sounded fabulous!

  4. admin says:

    :-), Karen! I’m not even planning to see if I should be envious of Debbie’s 2 pounds. I might sneak a peek at a scale next weekend! And it was fab! Just way too short!

  5. Debbie White says:

    A month wouldn’t even be long enough!!!

  6. admin says:

    True! Gotta talk my fella into moving north! Hahahaha! (As if that could happen!)

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