A Break in the Heat

Posted By on May 6, 2013

Clouds, thick enough to stir.

We’ve already had temps in the 80s this year, but the past few days have brought rain and a beautiful break in the heat. Right now, my house is at 63 degrees. Outside, it’s 46, but the low was down to 43 this morning. It won’t last long, but it’s nice right now!

Today is a catch up day for me. We had company last week, but today, my house is my own, and I’m enjoying a luxury–writing, with no other obligations. That doesn’t last long these days, either.

I’m about to switch my office. When we moved into the house, I set it up in the loft, not realizing that everyone would take it as some sort of a toll booth stop. I love my family. I’d do anything for them–except continue to have office space that doesn’t require a door.

But moving can wait because today, I’m writing! Better get to it–before a beloved member of my family has something to tell me that will just take a tiny second!  :-)

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