Writing, Writing, Writing

Posted By on May 7, 2013

I’m working on a new story. I have my heroine, and I’m grabbing at my hero. He’s proving a little bit elusive, but I’m in charge around here!  ;-)

So–I started a synopsis because I was preparing a pitch, and I needed some coherent words. The synopsis I have is about three pages. It’ll probably cull down to less after I part the coherent words from the not-so-much.

When the hero began sidling away from me, I started doing Carolyn Greene’s Plot Doctor worksheets, which have never steered me wrong. (I’d love to provide a link, but her website seems to be down just now.)

Then, I started writing pages. The hero suddenly had a place to live that I hadn’t expected. The heroine’s back story changed, but I like the changes because they’re fresh and a little different.

And right now–I’m taking a break to post this on my blog, which is, after all about writing. This is how I start writing a new story. Groping around in the creative dark, to shine a little light on the pieces I need for my book.

About The Author


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