Wednesday Feels Random

Posted By on May 15, 2013

Water needs to warm up!

I think summer arrived. 80s in the forecast, as far as the eye can see, and I assume many of those 80s will turn into 90s, as often happens here. That makes me sad.

Except for one thing. The pool will start warming up.

Sadly, the beloved found a squirrel in the pool on Mother’s Day. Not quite the gift of a lifetime. But better than the dog that tried to burrow beneath the cover on New Year’s Eve. (I caught him in time, and returned him to his family, who seriously need to keep an eye on their pup. The little fella escapes them to join me when I walk in our neighborhood.)

I’ve made a new playlist for the current ms. All meltingly beautiful, lovey dovey songs. Hoping their emotion seeps into my story. (About three songs on the list are considered country. I’ve never been a big fan of country before. Life change?)

Hand must have quivered, but you can see it’s beautiful!

Speaking of melting… I don’t know what’s in this beautiful drink I found thawing on a bar whilst picking up to-go for my girl, but it looks so refreshing, my mouth waters when I see the photo! I want to slip some sliced citrus into our ice maker. Would they make every liquid look this tempting?

I just can’t take the heat!

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