Interesting Time

Posted By on October 13, 2009

So–I have three proposals out and about, and I’ve embarked upon the waiting phase. I know I need to finish the book I hope to sell to the new line. Often, new lines want to see a completed book before they buy.

But, really, after having my head down, in work, for so long, I’m feeling just a touch free and breezy and “Let’s play!” Fortunately, my friend, Karen is going to check in with progress with me. It’s a good way to keep feeling accountable even without a deadline. And there’s nothing to keep a writer’s writing in shape like–writing.

Gotta go to a thing with the husband tonight. I actually hate doing “wifely” things, and when he volunteered for the role that has caused this “thing” I have to go to, I’m sorry to say I reminded him I didn’t want to volunteer for that role. In the way of husbands (is this mysogonistic, or is that just my fear–sorry, beloved!), he seems to have forgotten I’m not supposed to have to slap on the Spanx and look presentable.

This is going to take some time. Better have at it!

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