A Couple of Heads Met for a Chat

Posted By on October 22, 2013

I panicked and wrote several pages just because I didn’t want to stop writing. I need to show up at the page whether I want to be there or not. And for some reason, while I love writing–love it–sometimes, I dread it, too. I guess many writers do. It’s a strange, strange relationship with work.

Anyway, these two shared some stuff. Caught each other up. Talked about what really bugged them. Didn’t make a difference to my story. Their conversation was fun for me, but that’s because I’m still learning them. A reader doesn’t need this encounter. A reader needs to know them after I already know these things they covered in their pointless (to the story) conversation.

Those pages had to go. I didn’t delete them. I cut them and set them aside in a “Leftovers” file. Maybe I’ll be able to use them if I can actually make them have a point that moves the story forward. Early chapters are no place for a couple of friends to wallow and have a chat.

Gotta get those characters back to work. The words in their mouths need to serve a purpose.

So–I’d better not waste any more wordage here if I have to cut there!

About The Author


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