How was your Halloween?

Posted By on November 1, 2013

Mine was lovely, except we had no Trick-or-Treaters. I’m always disappointed when that happens. When I was a child, we lived out in the middle of nowhere, but we still walked a mile with our T or T bags! I loved Halloween. Not sure if it’s just not the same these days, or if we live in the middle of an even more nowhere-nowhere. There are children in this neighborhood.

One more reason to be sad about the lack of Trick or Treaters–we have leftover candy. Good stuff. Stuff I find difficult to ignore, and the beloved will not be amused by my usual response to that kind of situation. In fact, he won’t let me throw it all away. (Not good.)

I didn’t manage to plot the outer edges of my cozy yesterday. I had to rush out for phone repair. I bought a new cover for it. You know how sometimes, you just want a change? This cover looked so cute online–an owl in green and purple with a quilted looking background of holly berries and cross stitched x’s on white. Never buy a phone cover without seeing a photo of the cover on the phone. It was open at the top and bottom when I put it on. I knew that made it too flimsy for me, but it’s not as if I drop my phone constantly. I don’t.

I went outside to walk in the neighborhood. Years ago, my daughter made me promise to take my phone with me when I walked. I thought as I was leaving the house–probably ought to change that phone cover. But, you know, just going outside for an hour or so. No need to be crazy. I never drop my phone.

Dropped it within seconds. Cracked the screen.

Fortunately, the sudden deceleration on asphalt only cracked the glass, and I was able to get it repaired for a reasonable fee, but I spent a lot of yesterday doing that. On the plus side, I got my phone repaired! And my girl went with me. We had a lovely day. Oddly, we did show up for our jaunt in exactly the same outfit. (She made me change.) The older we get, the more things like this happen. We say the same things at exactly the same time, in exactly the same tone. We dress alike. We are pleased and appalled by the same things. I’m pretty sure she’s not enjoying these magical moments as much as I am!  :-)

All that said, I got home pretty latish, and pretty tired, after not sleeping all night, worrying that I’d have to spend a fortune on phone repair, and mulling over the recurring thought–man, what a dope I am!  :-)

So–instead of starting Nano at midnight, I’m starting now! After a lovely Halloween, marred only by a silent doorbell!

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