7 Degrees?

Posted By on January 7, 2014

That’s what the temperature is right now. With a RealFeel of -7. Shocking. Even I think it’s a little chilly.

I’m staying in the house today. Writing. Making some corn chowder for dinner later. Yum. I’ve been searching biscuit recipes. I’ve made them before, but we’ve never been able (as in physically capable) to eat a biscuit I’ve made. I’m going to try again, but I need buttermilk and lard (?) for the recipe I want to try. I’m not going to the grocery store, but I have yeast, so maybe I’ll try bread.

They closed the schools here today because of the temps.

I remember going to school in these temps when I was a child in Tennessee. Our bus could be really late, too. I remember wrinkling my nose just so I could feel it try to unwrinkle in the freezing air. I remember the breath circling above the horse’s heads in the field beside our bus stop. And frost covering everything in sight, as if there’d been a dusting of snow.

But today–just living and writing and enjoying the warmth of my cozy blanket and a kitten cuddled against my leg. (Until he uses me to rappel to a more comfy position. He’s so athletic!)

I hope you’re warm, inside your home, and maybe enjoying a great book!

About The Author


2 Responses to “7 Degrees?”

  1. Debbie White says:

    I’m shocked too. I didn’t think it would ever be cold enough for you to say “a little chilly.” LOL!!

  2. admin says:

    I did not offer to go outside and pick up the paper for the beloved this morning. I did suggest he layer up! Glad you’re not at work!

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