Hello, Monday,

Posted By on February 3, 2014

My old friend…

I didn’t do as much this weekend as I’d hoped. I worked on tax info all day Saturday. Never fun for a writer. I’m great at all the electronic receipts I can get my glommy paws on. (“Would you like an electronic receipt?” they ask. “You bet your sweet–I mean–yes, please.”) But those bits of paper… So, I’m still collecting those from all my hiding spots. Every year I swear to be more organized. If my desk were at hand every time I need to tuck a receipt away, I’d be organized like crazy!

Anyway…. Today, I’m writing. I have words to make up from tax and Super Bowl weekend.

Speaking of which, the beloved’s family is from WA state, and my brother-in-law is dancing! I didn’t actually care who won until Denver became the most under of underdogs in the history of Super Bowls. (How do I know if that’s true? I don’t, but it was distressing.) I watch American Idol with the beloved, and my buddy, Kim Dean, and I text through So You Think You Can Dance every second it’s on because oh my gosh, who could look away? But each moment I’m watching any of the above, I’m thinking, thank heavens, when rejections come, they arrive in the privacy of my email or on the phone. Painful enough, thank you! To be honest, I usually take a few hours before I can even share them with my family because no matter how you tell yourself losing/rejection is all part of the job, it still feels like failure–not another day at work. So, yay for the Seahawks for winning, but yay, for Denver for enduring an extremely bad night at work.

And, veering off that tangent–gotta get to my own work!

Enjoy your Monday–the start of a shiny new week of possibilities!

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