Rule Breaking

Posted By on September 29, 2015

Is the grass always greener on the other side of the Characterization Fence?

I’d love to break the rules. I’m naturally someone who wants to do the right thing. I come from a long line of rule breakers, and while they terrify me, I secretly wish I could be a little more like them. A friend once told me that behind my back in high school, people called me “Miss Pure Panties.” That probably tells you all and too much about me. I have a super-sized conscience, but I’m not proud of it, and I don’t love toting it around. (Often frozen inside it.)

Today, I’m writing a synopsis on a new project. I’m about to submit to agents, and I’m scared I can’t do it. I’d love to break the rules and fling out a flashy synopsis that can’t possibly seem as if it came from follow-the-rules Anna. I’ve heard of people who just go “I sat down and it poured out.” That’s not who I am. I’m digging deep and finding some answers. Sadly, I discovered my heroine, who’s broken the rules all her life is now afraid of breaking them because she’s done some ugly things. But at the same moment, I realized I really am that boring do-gooder girl from high school.

Maybe my heroine and I can learn from each other.

About The Author


4 Responses to “Rule Breaking”

  1. Laurie I says:

    They called you Miss Pure Panties? That’s unique, but I would consider it a compliment. It’s great that you have a strong conscience that guides you. We are naturally inclined to want to do what’s wrong, but when we can fight the inclination and do what’s right, it’s a good thing. This world would be a much better place if we all tried to do that. Here’s hoping you and your heroine can come up with a compromise you can both live with. : )

  2. admin says:

    I know! But I marched to my own drummer well enough to think it was funny. 🙂 And you’re right. Better to have a conscience, than not. One of the things I always tried to teach my babes was to think first and consider consequences. My heroine and I are still talking, but I think we’re getting somewhere! Always good to hear from you, Laurie! 🙂

  3. Debbie White says:

    I never knew you were called that in high school! I love you just the way you are.

  4. admin says:

    Haha–they probably called me that behind your back, too. 🙂 It’s not a bad thing to have a big, old conscience. Just makes a body anxious. A lot–instead of just throwing caution to the winds!

    And I’m lucky you’re the only sister I’ll ever have! <3

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