Peril on the Screen: iZombie

Posted By on October 6, 2015

R.eaders I.mbibing P.eril

R.eaders I.mbibing P.eril review  for Peril on the Screen!

Just what I didn’t need! A new Netflix binge! I accidentally started watching iZombie because it happened to be on the screen when I turned on Netflix, and I clicked. It’s the cutest thing.

I’m already hooked on The Walking Dead, and I have an extremely wonky stomach, so I watch zombies through my fingers, wishing I couldn’t hear the gasping sounds. (So much so that when I heard a woman with a cold in the canned tomatoes section of the grocery store, trying to breathe, I thought “Walkers!”)

Anywhooo, iZombie is different. There are zombies who think and talk and act in this version. You fall for Olivia, who’s a zombie, but she was a heart surgeon resident until she attends a lake party that leaves her in a zombified condition. Olivia’s trying to be a kinder, gentler zombie. It’s funny and touching, but it’s also a little scary because there’s a suspense thread that makes you worry for other characters.

Can’t say more without spoiling, but you definitely need to watch!

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