I have never been so busy.

Posted By on November 18, 2015

Fall finally arrived!

Fall has finally arrived. My favorite time of the year makes everything easier. I feel the heat as if I’m sporting a rhino on my shoulders, so even though I’m so busy I don’t know what day it is, I’m utterly happy. (Such a lovely feeling!)

I find myself writing at midnight. Possibly falling asleep over the keyboard. Yesterday, I woke up because I’d fallen asleep in a chair, and George, the cat decided my hair was a toy.

I’ve been writing where I can, but every time I declare for Nano, other things press in. So–I’m helping my girl and her hubby pack up their old home and unpack goods in their new home, playing with her new babe, writing and submitting proposals, and buying a beautiful vintage kitchen table for my office. Because your work area should remind you of your childhood kitchen in a 100-year-old house! 🙂

Today, I only have to have the oil changed in my car and write! And I can write in the waiting room while they change my oil! Score! 🙂

About The Author


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