Working at Panera

Posted By on January 25, 2010

Because my house is so crowded and distracting. I’m still working on the new book. I love this story–and I hope readers will see it one day. However, I definitely need a native Italian speaker. For now, the one thing that really worries me is staying in because I need it as is, and I’ve verified it with more than three online sources. I’d totally forgotten I have a friend whose in-laws speak Italian. I’ll have to quiz her closely.

I read a post somewhere recently that advised finishing a book without ever looking back. I’d love to edit-as-I-go a little less than I do. Okay–a lot less than I do! But I couldn’t not look back. Last night, in the wee hours, I suddenly woke, realizing I’d formed myself a sweet pothole of unmotivated character fun. So–first thing today, I had to go motivate. (Not so much unmotivated as not drawn together for the reader.)

What’s the world like out your way today? We have sunshine and 52 degrees. And wind. I love wind. My mother-in-law used to say that the wind in the high desert of Washington state almost drove her crazy. I could never understand that. Wind is comforting to me, holding the house in its arms, rocking it–I love that–as long as we’re not talking funnel clouds!

Anyway, just a quick post because I can!  Ahhhhhh–Internet access! And now, back to work!

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