The Name Game

Posted By on February 23, 2010

My proposal was rejected yesterday. I thought I’d be heartbroken if it happened, and it does sting a bit. Who would not have wished to write the most perfect proposal that ever crossed an editor’s desk? I would, I would!  But the editor who wrote my exceedingly kind rejection asked for ideas for other stories, and that was more than plenty. I’m in this for the long haul, and once she addressed her concerns with my submission, I thought–”Why didn’t I see that?”

So, I’m hard at the brainstorming grindstone, and I have three ideas, but ideas are hard to summarize without naming the characters. So, here I am, with far more pressing issues–conflict? Plot? Characterization? But I’m whirring around, trying to settle on six different characters’ names. And names matter to me. I can’t seem to write the story without the character name that makes me feel all at home with this story person.

Solution? I must choose names and pretend they’re right because getting conflict, plot, and characterization correct is actually more important than soothing my finicky feeling of–”How can I write a story for this name?”

Hello? Write a plot with these characters undergoing this conflict! (I get a little frustrated with myself when I waste time on the great name hunt. I can’t even imagine how silly this must seem to non-writers.)

About The Author


2 Responses to “The Name Game”

  1. Karen says:

    One at a time. That’s my suggestion. Pick one set of names, work up your plot – first draft. Do it. Allow no editing. Then move on to the second one. Same deal. Name, synopsis. Closed. Then third one. No cheating or looking back. Only once they’re all written.

    That’s my assignment for you, missy!

  2. admin says:

    You’re a touch late, cause I’ve been working on the ideas already, but you’re right–time to start over and cut to the chase. A little bit of panic from wanting to be right!

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