Friday Randomness

Posted By on April 23, 2010

It’s Friday. I love a quiet Friday.

I’ve joined a gym. I haven’t belonged to a gym in a long time because I tend not to want to travel somewhere to exercise, and I decided to stop throwing away that gym non-use money. Well–I’d never been on a weight machine or a treadmill or an elliptical–much to the very nice gym-orienter-man’s amusement. He really only laughed twice–and he had oh-so-many more opportunities.  My idea of weight training before this week was carrying weights along on a walk, or you know, curling in my bedroom with my tiny little weights. At this moment, I cannot lift my arms without wanting to weep.  :-)  No weight training today; just gonna do the lovely treadmill.  (The first day, I chose a treadmill that didn’t work–I won’t detail the torture of that–but I LOVE the treadmill. It’s worth all the other misery!  And there are actually two weight machines I enjoy–a massive shock to me.)

I only joined the gym because I hate to exercise outside the pool in the heat of summer. I need to move to the Arctic.

I’m finding my way in my chapters. Hero and heroine are peeling back their layers for me. Why do I let myself get wound up in extraneous stuff that should be the easy part to write? That’s some randomness I need to figure out some day!

Normally, I love a random post because I let myself spew stuff on the screen, and it all goes together, in not going together at all, but today I’m so wound up in my story, I don’t have a lot of randomness to offer. Need to work in my hero and heroine’s world!

Have a wonderful weekend in your world!

About The Author


2 Responses to “Friday Randomness”

  1. Debbie White says:

    I wish we could go to the gym together. Its much more fun to exercise with a buddy!!!!

  2. admin says:

    I totally agree! Come on down and let’s suffer together! Right now, I’m usually the lone woman in this little gym, and all those brawny guys are probably straining as much not to laugh as they are to hoist their much more impressive weights!

    Honestly, I feel as if I should leap off the machine if someone “real” wants to use it!

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