Random Saturday

Posted By on June 12, 2010

Too tired and stomach buggy to be organized. Since I don’t feel well, I’m counting lovely things that happened this week.

I ordered several books by my favorite authors, including The Good Greek Wife? by Kate Walker from the Mills and Boon website. I’m so excited about being able to order ebooks from the website before they arrive over here. I was going to post the name of the lovely person who helped me get the process to work on my computer until I realized she might not want her name posted on some American yahoo’s website!  :-)  (Now, if only I could get the books onto my Kindle. I don’t have time for that research right now!)

Discovering a secret before I email my proposal. I hope the secret’s right. I hope my confidence trickles back some day.

Giada’s coffee at Target (That’s all you need to know. Go. Now.)

The Aswirl Twins on an episode of ANTM that I watched in the middle of last night during stomach bug incident. I love those guys!

Cleaned out my computer bag. I feel at peace when I can find the stuff I’m looking for.

Bought a new planner. My girl and I are always on the 18-month planners that come out in the summer, and we never finish them off because we can’t resist the new ones when they come out each summer. Mine has bees and flowers on it!  :-)

And, finally, So You Think You Can Dance has started, and Mark and Twitch are back. I know other dancers are on it, too (in fact, I have a soft spot for the boy from the “frickin’ farm,” but–did I mention Mark and Twitch are on it? No matter where they are on the screen, my eyes go to them. Lalalalala–I’m dancing, too!  (Heinously. But still. Joy must be taken liberally where you find it!)

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