
Posted By on June 14, 2010

I’m late to the blog today–late getting out of the house, into the overwhelming heat. The proposal is going well, though it won’t be leaving the abode till tomorrow or Wednesday, I’m thinking. But I love the story again, and I think it all fits cohesively. That’s always a good sign, though things always change, once the chapters begin to roll by.

I’m listening to Ken Burns’ Civil War soundtrack. I love that series, and the music makes me feel so peaceful–which is strange when you consider what the series is about. Maybe the music had to be serene to offset the horrible reality? (Though I’m from the south, my family bought on both sides of the war. My mother’s family literally burned out my father’s family. I imagine there were many families like ours.)

I’m also updating the software on my laptop. Can’t do that at home with no reliable internet access, and it’s taking forever here as well, but it was more than time, and it gives me plenty of time to work.

Jumping back in!

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