What a Saturday

Posted By on July 17, 2010

I have sleeping issues. Since I was a little girl I can remember reading through the night, waiting for a hint of dark blue in the sky. I know I’ve done it since before I started school because I can remember reading books from my brother’s summer reading list before I started first grade. (Had to learn to read early to while away those insomniac hours.) Anyway, last night was another one of those nights.

I watched golf, because I missed most of yesterday’s coverage, running errands. Then I turned off the lights and tried to hear nothing and think nothing. Then I worked Sudoku puzzles. Then I worked through the rest of the night because sleep seriously wasn’t coming. And all those hours, I just kept looking for a hint of sleepiness to go along with exhaustion. Add panic as the minutes tick by, and you know–there are only so many. Which leads me to now, having finally fallen asleep at just after 6:30, and then slept through my alarm so I’ve missed my monthly writer’s meeting.

I haven’t gone to the meetings this year as much as I’d like, and that means I’m not hanging out with other people who are doing this job, thinking, living, breathing it. While that probably means I’ll have more work hours today, it also means I’m going to miss that contagious burst of energy that writers (mostly introverts trying to pretend we’re not) lend each other.

So, I miss my friends, I miss that extra energy and hearing everyone’s news. I may take a nap, and I’m sad another month will go by before the next meeting.

Hope you’re having a more reasonable weekend!

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