Best-Laid Plans

Posted By on July 24, 2010

I was seduced by a yen for order and spent yesterday cleaning (and still the abode needs work–bewared the cabinets, my son).

Today is all work. I’m not happy with my opening, but I’m not going to drill the life out of it. I’m moving on, and I’ll assume the perfect words will bust into my head later.

Meanwhile, this is what I’m dreaming of. Yesterday, when I was swimming, I noticed yellow leaves on a tree in our yard. I hope it’s not that the tree is dying in this unbearable heat. Over the years of swimming laps, I’ve noticed the leaves begin to change much earlier than I expect. I think it must have more to do with the tilt of the earth post-solstice, rather than temperature. (So mulls the English major in me.) This photo is from last year, I think.

Now–the sun’s coming up. Soon, others will begin to stir in the house. I have words to write!

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