Tuesday, Tuesday

Posted By on August 3, 2010

Still writing. I’m managing to alienate friends and family by being so focused, but work comes first, you know. I’m taking notes on napkins and my phone. The words are coming. In the back of my mind, I’m worried, but this time around, those worries are staying back there. I’m concentrating on one thing.

Letting the words fly.

Sometimes, like with the last version of the proposal, I get sick of the sound of my own voice. Because I’ve been working on a story for a long time, or because I’m anxious–which oddly, happens less often than I expect. I usually have confidence in my writing, but with this, a new line, I feel as if I’m starting over. I enjoy being perfect first time out.  :-) Clearly, that’s not a question any longer.

So, I’m listening as I’m writing. I’m listening for the sound of my own voice. And when I hear it, it stays on the page.

The photo is a waterfall. You probably can’t tell, because the water is only the bright stream of light between the leaves. That is what you call nuance!

About The Author


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