Early Tuesday

Posted By on September 27, 2010

What a long, strange day it’s been (with apologies to whomever wrote that song). First, the good part! Even here, Fall seems to be creeping in. Rain and temperatures thirty degrees cooler than last Tuesday. Beautiful!

Now, the inconvenient part. In the tradition of To Have and Have Not, I was stung by a dead wasp today, and an extremely nice nurse gave me Benadryl. So I slept most of the normal waking hours. And now I’m awake. Really, really awake.

But that’s okay. It’s easy to work in the shank of a lonesome night when the house is quiet except for the cat trying to brawl with the lady cat who visits him each night on our front porch. It is kind of funny when his kitty swearing wakes my daughter so that she shouts at him to lay off the yowling. He doesn’t really speak a lot of English so I’m not sure he gets her complaint, but he’ll be quiet a few seconds and then another yowl erupts as if he cannot help himself.

But he’s company while I’m working. The only thing is–the sting was on my fingertip and typing hurts a bit. Well, there is the other thing. I’m a whiner!

So I’m going back to work. I’d share a photo of my swollen finger, but it would be embarrassing to admit I’m such a hypochondriac. (In other words, a confession: Swelling’s gone.) I could take a photo of the cat brawling with his lady friend. But I don’t think we need to add flashes to the yowling.

Hope you’re having the best Tuesday ever!

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2 Responses to “Early Tuesday”

  1. Karen says:

    Hey, I got stung by a wasp on the Saturday before last. First time since I was a kid. And it hurt like hell. Now, over a week later, I still have an angry red dot on my arm from it. I was sitting outside and it had apparently landed on the arm of my chair. I didn’t see it and when I put my arm down – WHAM! I screamed like a baby!

  2. admin says:

    I was surprised, too! It was like fire, and even though the swelling’s gone, it’s still a bit tender. I actually kept ice on it until I fell asleep because of the burning. Sting allergies run in my family, so I always wonder if this is the sting–but turns out it wasn’t. We’ve had a lot of wasps this year.

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