Merry Christmas!

Posted By on December 24, 2010

The girl and I made these heinous looking cake balls! We’re available for a baking apprenticeship at any time.

While we’re trying to unravel where the plan went off the rails (they taste yummy–sadly they do look as if we dragged them through the blender backward), I wanted to wish you all the happiest of holidays–and all the best of everything you want and need in the new year!

Hope you’re basking in the warmth of family and friends and holiday cheer!

About The Author


4 Responses to “Merry Christmas!”

  1. Debbie White says:

    LOL!!!! What were they supposed to look like????

  2. admin says:

    Well, this is the recipe we used. We changed the flavors a bit (butter fudge cake, cream cheese frosting, white almond bark), and sadly, this is our third and best attempt!

  3. Debbie White says:

    Sounds good. I may try it myself sometime.

  4. admin says:

    If you get it right, you’re going to have to show us how! They are tasty! Hope you’re having a yummy meal with the family! Hug your mom till she can’t breathe for me! Love you all!

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