Random Monday

Posted By on February 21, 2011

Busy day ahead. Must buy fixtures for bathrooms. We’re replacing counters, lighting and mirrors, and I’ve worked myself into a state about the mirrors. The beloved tells me I’m nuts, but I’ll be ever so glad when that glass is somewhere out of the reach of humans.

Last night I watched My Fair Lady. I don’t really care for musicals, but there are exceptions: My Fair Lady, Camelot, Fiddler on the Roof, Baz Luhrman’s Romeo and Juliet, and his Moulin Rouge. (In the order I saw them.) Last night I watched My Fair Lady. I think it’s Rex Harrison–he’s heinously charming! (It might be Liza’s clothes. I’m not much of a shopping kind of girl, but how lovely she looked in everything she wore! Her peach running-away outfit kind of reminded me of Princess Diana’s going-away outfit after the wedding.)

Anyway, the last time I watched it, my girl was in her room, and during an intermission, I burst through the double doors of my bedroom and blasted the house with a powerful rendition of “I could have danced all night!” My sweet girl sprang to her own door, shouting for Kitty–which rather frightened me because she was terrified. I bellowed a quick and frantic “What’s wrong, girlie?”

Well–apparently she mistook my giving voice for the kitty being near unto death at the mercy of some lethal hairball. I’m sure she’ll one day be shoving in for room between Steven Tyler and J-Lo!  :)

On another random note, I’m hungry for a good book. If I manage a few moments between bathroom fixtures, I intend to sneak a few pages before I get back to my own work.

But first–to talk the beloved and the girl into stopping for breakfast before we shop. I can always threaten to sing if they don’t give in to my pre-shopping plans. Mmmm, coffee. MmmmmMmmmm, bacon and eggs. And grits.

“I could have danced all night!”

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