Hello, Friday!

Posted By on March 4, 2011

We were supposed to be at the beach today, but our plans went awry. I’m sorry because the friends we were to meet are dear to me. I’m trying to tell myself that several open days of work with no interruption are good. And they are, but I miss my friend. We had our first children at the same time. Oddly, she was in the beloved’s Navy reserve unit, and then we ended up in the same birthing class. We lost touch for a while, but thanks to the wonder of the Internet, I found her again. I have memories with her that are so sweet.

So–a bit melancholy today–but I am going to use the unexpected free time. I was in the shower yesterday, getting ready for dinner with other friends (and holy cow, excellent conversation and amazing crawfish!), when I realized I’d left something out of my hero’s motivation. It fixes a doubt that’s been niggling at me. As much as I don’t want to edit right now, I need to go back and stitch this into the story. Or maybe I could just open a fresh page, and jot it down so that it’s all clear in my mind. Plus, I don’t know why, but when I’m typing out something like this, it often expands for me. Creativity seems to be bound between my hands-on-the-keyboard and my brain since I learned to compose on the computer. (First book in longhand–then the torture of typing it all in. Never again!)

Wishing you all a happy weekend. I may have to turn on the beach I found on iTunes!

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