Friday, Again?

Posted By on March 11, 2011

How quickly the weeks fly by. Do you take stock on Friday? When I had a day job, I added Thursday evenings to Fridays. In what might seem like a bad decision now that I’ve perfected insomnia, I always thought if I stayed up late to write on Thursdays, I could get through Friday fine, and then I’d have the whole weekend. (Kind of wonder if I trained myself to stay awake, except–I remember lying in my childhood bed, listening to the ocean as I read all night–being relieved when the sky was more blue-black than black.)

Back to the post–I loved Thursday nights because they were the start of my time, the time I didn’t owe to someone else’s labors. After several years of not having a day job, I actually began to dread Fridays. I never shop on the weekends if I can avoid it because everything is so much emptier during the week. I spend a lot more time at home on weekends than I did when I had a day job. Museums are also emptier on weekdays–as are restaurants and movie theaters.

However, this Friday, I’m taking account again. I’ve had a busy week. Lots of reassessing my characters, lots of tearing at my hair while I tried to let them tell their stories, rather than me pushing them in a direction. Also this week, I met with a couple of writing friends on different days, hung out with my sicko child–watched a lot of I Love Lucy. I kind of love Lucy these days, but I’m ready to return to Dark Shadows!

I also returned my Rita scores. That was a lot of reading, and I found an author I’d not read before, whose book I loved!

Finally, I found my dark moment. One of my writing buds cautioned me about possible issues with it today, but I think I have answers for her questions–that ring true to my characters. I love writing when writing loves me back!  :-)

So, I’m not finished with my work week yet–and that’s okay. I feel productive, and I’m in this lovely honeymoon period, where I can’t wait to get to the computer! I’m treasuring every moment!

About The Author


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