Random Return

Posted By on May 4, 2011

Here we go again?

You know how you fall out of the habit of blogging, and then it’s hard to start over? And then it’s easier to not blog, because how can you catch up? That’s what happened.

So–in no particular order, random stuff!

I loved watching the royal wedding. Loved it. Every second was filled with something lovely. The music–amazing! The happiness–touching! England on a cloudy day–heaven!

I’m also hooked on reality TV. How’d it happen? I wouldn’t be so embarrassed if I’d fallen a decade ago, when most folks with this affliction tumbled. I had to wait till now. Top Chef, ANTM (I am so not girly–can’t begin to explain it), Deadliest Catch (Obviously–snow, ice, water–I’m there.), Bethenney Ever After (the girl’s influence, but Bethenny is so kind and she doesn’t hide her flaws), and now, The Adam Levine Show. Oops, I mean The Voice. I’m joking cause Adam Levine is so freakishly beautiful! But this is a great show!

It’s after midnight and I’m having a random dream of apple crisp and homemade vanilla ice cream.

Better than apple pie and ice cream, we’re going to have a low of 36 degrees tonight. As a random gift from nature, I get to wear my favorite fuzzy jammies one more time.

Finally, yesterday’s storms didn’t carry off the roof. I was at the grocery store when those clouds up there blew in. I kind of wondered if last Wednesday was starting over again. Just a little rain and thunder. No big thing!

So–gonna go get today’s 1500 words. I have a writing challenge with some friends. Gotta report in. I’d better report some words, not some excuses!

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