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Category: Quilting

Writing and Quilting

Quilt pieces on a design wall.

This is day three of Nano. On day 1, I wrote 1553 words and managed 5 hours of quilting homework.

On day 2, I had quilting class. We hung our blocks on a design wall to decide how we liked them. I really prefer the purple pieces on the top, but then I realized, there’s no up or down with this quilt.

After class, I hung out with my daughter. I love that girl. I know you’re not supposed to be friends with your children–you know–parent first and all, but she’s my favorite friend in all the world. And, while we were hanging out, I bought chocolate-covered pieces of coconut. Excellent compensation at the store that stopped carrying my favorite chocolate-covered mango. I can’t eat much in the way of anything sweet, so I’m really overly excited about this coconut!

When I got home, I wrote 1915 words. I don’t love those words. They’re not as full of life as I’d hoped, and they may be a bit rambly, but I wrote my nano words, and I got some pieces that I needed, and I know I can cull them later. I used to be such a linear, clean writer, but I’m quilting in all areas of my life.

Today, I don’t have to go anywhere. All I have to do is write, and that’s as exciting as chocolate-covered pieces of coconut!