
Posted By on July 29, 2011

And it’s almost the end of July. I promised myself not to wish the *@#$*& summer away, but it’s flying past anyway. I hate that the days seem to pass at triple speed, even though I’ll be glad to see the end of this crazy heat. I’m a woman from the south. I should know how to handle it, but a year in Iceland and three more in Maine altered my internal thermostat. Or maybe it was the four and a half in Hawaii, where I found the unrelenting heat and sun surprisingly oppressive. (Inside out SADD?) Either way, I’m weak, and I can’t take it.

Fortunately, I’m writing scenes set in cooler climes. I’m feeling the hard, crisp air and the harsh sting of ice shot from the sky. And the even harsher sting of an icy reception to my hero’s arrogant moves. But he has the strength to position the sun where he needs it, and his lover-wife is giving him a shiny new view of the world.

Happy weekend to you all!

About The Author


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