Insomniac adventures and weird author quirks!

Posted By on September 15, 2009

Well–not that adventurous. But at least the house is clean enough to work in. I should have worked on the book, but instead I destroyed the terrifying layers of dust. It used to bother me that the retired beloved didn’t help with the cleaning when I was focused on a book, but I finally realized–he cleans the toilets and the showers. I can more than live with doing the rest. In fact, it’s a beautiful trade-off.

So, back to work. Today’s white noise (background of movie voices I’ve heard a million times before) is The Mad Miss Manton. Barbara Stanwyck as madcap heiress who stumbles (well, she B and E’s into someone’s house) over a dead body, and Henry Fonda as the everyman newspaper reporter who is offended by the existence of Miss Manton and her friends because their escapades, even for charity, seem pointless in an economy that makes ours look as if it’s thriving. He thinks their search for the body’s killer is another exploit. A paraphrase of one of my favorite lines–Elsa, on the friend fleeing from the building she enters–”He can’t cut me dead, even if he is running from a murder.”

I’d be lost these days without Warner Brothers’ Archive.

I hardly ever work at home any more because my family, the members of which I could not love more, are always talking or doing something or needing–you know–where is the [insert object name here] becaue-I-need-it-right-now-and-as-you-are-the-mom-you-no-doubt-link-to-it-telepathically.

However, when I leave to work elsewhere, I always take a DVD (or a selection), because I need voices. Music doesn’t do the trick any more. I need voices that don’t need answers!

More than that, I need to go right now and produce pretty pages. Have a great Tuesday!

About The Author


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