Never on Sunday?

Posted By on September 27, 2009

I’ve mentioned this before–I don’t often post on the weekends, but rain in our area has apparently sent the satellite into perhaps fatal shock, so I thought I’d just catch up–from the coffee shop again.

Also, I’m working on a 2-page synopsis for the three chapters I have–yay!–finished for my new proposal, and I need a moment to breathe. Cramming a whole story into two pages, when you know all its nooks and crannies is like–trying to cram my cat into the new Kitty Pirate Ship we bought him yesterday. He’d fit, but he’s not having it!  :-)  This story is proving just as intractable. I’ve taken several whacks at this thing and even stopped to finish the rest of the chapters first. I’m still too heavy on plot, not being clever enough with emotion yet.

I remember the blinding moment early in my career when I realized the emotional journey was more vital than the plot for a romance. Someone (I’d credit if I could remember whom) once told me the plot is the hanger on which the emotional journey drapes. And that is true. Back to staking Lucio and Catie’s emotional journey!

Here’s hoping the satellite revives and I can someday post from home again!

About The Author


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