Another Weekend Away

Posted By on March 20, 2010

I’m at a conference, and this morning is a “write-in.” We all get together and–like the introverted wannabe extroverts we writers so often are–write, in silence except for the clackety-clack of our respective keyboards.

I love a write-in. When I worked in an office, I couldn’t wait to come home to work. I love working in my office at home, or in the Starbucks nearby or on a bench on the square. But I also love the occasional write-in. And today, before classes, I’m loving these moments of shared creativity. Is it possible our energy rises and mingles? It must be, because I’m never artsy enough to think that way. Clearly, mingling energies came from someone else’s head!

Anyway, I’d better get back to work, but I wanted to share this lovely photo I took from my balcony.

I grew up near here, with the beach at my front door, and somewhere to the west, were marshes exactly like this one. In fact, follow this one just a touch north and we’d have been at my island’s back door. Being here brings me home. Shell roads and Spanish moss. Gnats that are almost too small to see, but they travel in such large packs they could hoist a woman off her feet and fly her away.

When I’m far from here, it feels so far away it might be a place I imagined, but when I’m here, I’m filled with a keening homesickness that aches in my soul. I want my ocean and my beach and the future I never doubted. If only the future I found–that I love–could mingle with the life I longed to have on this coastline–that is surely made from magic.

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