Randomly Tuesday

Posted By on August 24, 2010

Time to be random!

First, I’d love to update my counter over there, but I’m editing, and I can’t be sure how many words I have. Marrying two files is about as tricky as you’d expect.

Here’s a weird thing. While I’m not sleeping in the middle of the night, I sometimes watch crrrazzy stuff on TV. (I’m a literal cesspool o’ trivia. Call on me for your trivia needs.) But here’s a strange one. I sometimes park on the Soaps channel. I used to watch one with my mom a million years ago. One is often kind of funny, and they all run at about the same sound level.

There’s a guy named Eric Braeden, who used to be on a show I watched in Iceland (stationed there with the Navy) where AFRTS replayed twenty-year-old TV programs. It was called Rat Patrol, and he was supposed to be the bad guy, but he was so much more interesting than the good guy (whom I don’t even remember).  He was torn by occasional bouts of morality, and I may have been torn by his ohmygosh-beauty! So–he’s playing a bad guy/good guy on a soap. And for some reason, in two weeks, this older man, still torn by good and bad, has taken a sock at two people. And I don’t park there every night. I don’t think he socked two people in two weeks on RP. A good time to turn away would be when he shows up in their faux gym sporting boxing gloves. It’s an odd writing choice, isn’t it? The thing is–he’s still rather beautiful!

Time for a kitty pic. I have two. One is the girl and the kitty. As you’ll see, she likes to enforce affection to foster his fine emotional health!  The other is the kitty giving in to his addiction. Maine Coon Cats clutch a deep dark secret close to their feline chests. They cannot resist hard plastic. (Wrappers for things like pens.) Rattle some hard plastic and our maturing kittle kattle springs forth from wherever he’s napping. To gnaw the plastic to bits. Well, since we’re not sure digested plastic is a good diet, we just let him chew. And then we whisk it away. Here he is.

Then there’s the enforced affection. I have one bit of advice. Don’t force that girl to be affectionate with you! She will hug!

A last bit of random–I wandered past the husband’s fave blah-blah-faux talk show earlier, and Blagojevich was apparently defending his claim that he was Churchillian. Is that guy even aware of the stuff that spews from his mouth? In the interests of honesty (do you hear the irony?), he actually seemed to be claiming he hadn’t said it.

I’m fascinated by Winston Churchill. An amazing man who may have made mistakes, but sleaziness, sloth, and fraud were not among them. I’m searching Amazon for a Churchill biography I haven’t yet read.

And this randomness has turned into a ramble. Instead of watching Rat Patrol man take a whack at someone else, I’m gonna watch a DVR of House. I’ve missed about a billion of this season’s episodes. Is this season over already? Did I DVR a rerun?

Wishing you lots of random loveliness on a Tuesday!

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