Monday, Monday!

Posted By on May 9, 2011

I love Mondays. The start of a new week. Grocery shopping that doesn’t take two hours. (I somehow thought Saturday was Friday. Big, regrettable grocery-store mistake!) No neighborhood kids driving their ATVs through our yard or down the middle of the neighborhood streets.


I did something different for most of this weekend. Nothing. (May have needed to decompress after a grocery-store Saturday). Not exactly nothing. I read. And I hung out with my family. And I missed my mom and the beloved’s mom. And I walked. And I may have eaten Lo Mein, which I shouldn’t have done.

I filled the well. A little rest, a lot of thinking, some quiet in my head. And I planned to continue the trend until this morning. But I guess the well was shallower than I thought because just when the beloved was heading for bed (Have you ever noticed that people who don’t have insomnia are pretty free with the “Why don’t you get a good night’s sleep?” advice?), I found myself in front of my laptop, and somehow I opened my work file.

And I wrote some words.


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