Tuesday Among the #cinders!

Posted By on June 28, 2011

Home again, home again! Do you ever forget how much you love your own bed? I don’t. It’s the comfiest bed in the world!

Oddly, for the second time in about a month, I ended up renting a house with no internet access. Mind you, this one promised wifi, by which the owners clearly meant a DSL cable, but who wants to tether herself to a computer in a bedroom during vac? I kind of liked being marooned in last century!  :-) We vacationers talked to each other and celebrated a birthday and walked, and we ate too much good food! I’ve discovered I love scallops. I never cared for them before, but that was obviously because they were never before prepared at at Hyman’s Seafood!

I’m still dreaming of those scallops…

But, now I’m home, I need to eat sensibly and exercise and work. I’ve already tossed out the chapters that bugged me as I was shopping in the market, or walking in the gardens, or clambering up and down a WWII-era carrier. I finally saw the problem, and I’m pretty much caught up and moving forward. (There will come harsh, but necessary self-editing!)

Since I’ve traveled so much this spring and early summer, I’m not going to RWA’s national conference in New York this week. It seemed like such a sensible decision, but then everyone who is there started posting photos and fun. Just as I began to feel all left out, Natalie Anderson (@authornataliea on Twitter) posted an invitation to those of us feeling like Cinderella. Follow the hashtag #cinders to post a goal and write along this week. I’m looking forward to it, cause now I’m not left out any more!  :-)

Will post more vacation photos in coming days, but for now, I have a goal of 1500 words to meet!

About The Author


6 Responses to “Tuesday Among the #cinders!”

  1. Debbie White says:

    I love scallops!!! Wish you could’ve brought me some!!!

  2. admin says:

    LOL! Not sure I was capable of sharing, but if I could I would with you! Man, they were good! Did y’all eat there?

  3. Debbie White says:

    Yes I think we did eat there. But I don’t remember what I ate.

  4. admin says:

    You wouldn’t forget those a-ma-zing scallops!

  5. Laurence Brown says:

    I have had scallops there, and trust me When Anna says ‘You wouldn’t forget those a-ma-zing scallops!’ she is correct. Hyman’s Seafood is surely addictive, what I really appreciated about it, there was no fancy sauces or the likes, simply awesome food and great prices.

  6. admin says:

    Totally agree!

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